drawing perception
Creating gateways for solid shapes, drawing vapours, opening improbable paths to vision and courting them.
Breaking down and betraying the two-dimensionality through the complicity of light.
growing forms
Triggering uncontrollable reactions in the matter to attack, in the frame of more or less precarious equilibria, the regularity of form-thinking. Growing, or allowing to grow out of control, unexpected volumes and alien signs.
immersing perspective
Betraying the reassurance of axonometry, leaving your eye misled and deprived of known comforting lines. Inaugurating unusual perspectives, submerging them and finding ourselves submerged in them.
rethinking moulds
Reinterpreting the mould in all its physical expressions and semantic values: observing its evolution as unpredictable mycelium, or refusing it as a "mould", as the negative of a form and an action which we never want to repeat, equal to itself.
shaping time
Finding time into things, reading time in matter's intense activity, using time to create an itinerary with neither a beginning nor an end. Then letting it slip, uncontrolled, on the edge of potential action.